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Many of the thousands of babies adopted from China have reached an age where self-awareness sparks curiosity about birth parents. At DNA Connect, we work to make connections like that happen.

Since the early 1990s, roughly 120,000 babies born in China have been adopted internationally, with about 80,000 going to families in the United States. Most of these babies have now reached an age of maturity where their self-awareness sparks curiosity about their beginnings. Many of them want to learn, if possible, who their birth parents are. We've made matches ... read more

Adoptive parents can easily submit their adopted child's DNA sample (how? see Getting Your DNA Test), but the challenge is, how can birth parents in China submit their DNA? Whether an adoptive child is searching now or in 50 years, that birth family connection can't ever be made without the birth parent's DNA. Therein lies our challenge. Read more about our Challenge and Goal.

Gathering birth parent DNA is not about finding a match today; it's about seizing the opportunities that are available now to be able to find a match in the future. Life circumstances constantly change – people pass away or move, for example – and that's why it's so important to gather DNA now, before it's too late. By helping us out, you are opening more doors to possible matches in the future. Read about how our work is Changing Lives and How You Can Help.


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New Opportunity:

Help Us Help You

To further our goal of finding more birth parents, our "Help Us Help You" opportunity can save you and your adoptive family friends hundreds of dollars. Learn More

Changing Lives

The payback of the work we do is extremely satisfying: We get to listen to, and cry with, the people whose lives are forever changed when we contact them about a match. Below are the stories of the beneficiaries of this project, both from birth parents and from their located children. For those who have donated to this work, whether through funds or time or telling others, the stories linked below are for you. You have made this happen. Also see:

©2013-2024, DNAConnect.Org

Brian H. Stuy, Founder

Phone (U.S. MST):  801-766-1736

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