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Your tax-deductible donation helps to purchase DNA kits and process the DNA of birth families located in China. We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation (see below).
Donation Levels:
  • $1 $49 = Pay-It-Forward Freewill Donation 

  • $50 & Above = Family Member of DNAConnect.Org:

       If you or your child match one of our samples as a child or birth sibling, we will provide you the contact information, photos, and interview notes for no cost, to the extent DNAConnect.Org has such information. For a match outside the immediate birth family, DNAConnect will collaborate with your close relative to try to obtain the identity and contact details of the birth parents for the adoptee.

Contributions are Tax-Deductible! is a not-for-profit corporation approved by the IRS as a tax exempt public charity under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Donors can deduct contributions under applicable IRC sections (e.g. Sections 170, 2055, 2106, and 2522).’s “public charity” status (as opposed to private foundation status) makes it possible for donor-advised funds to donate and also for other 501(c)(3) organizations to donate. We welcome both donations from such organizations and also recommendations as to specific organizations that it would make sense to approach for a donation. Please contact us with recommendations.

Privacy: For more remote DNA connections, the safety and privacy of the birth parents come first. We will share only name, city, and province, barring special circumstances. We trust you would want your or your child’s birth parents treated with similar discretion. We attempt in all cases to provide name, city, and province in the birth parent's profile so you can see it directly.

Donate by PayPal or Venmo:

Click on the "Donate" button or QR code, or scan the QR code with your phone's camera and follow the link.

©2013-2025, DNAConnect.Org

Brian H. Stuy, Founder

Phone (U.S. MST):  801-766-1736

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